Monday, September 11, 2006

Seasonally Affected Disorders

All that mist-and-mellow-fruitfulness that was kicking around over the weekend triggered off a bad case of the earth-mothers*. This manifested as an urge to turn Saturday's marrow into Sunday's chutney. So off we went to Mr Booth's lovely supermarket for ingredients. Ingredients denied! At least, no cider vinegar and no stem ginger in syrup. And so I live to chut another day.

And while we're on the subject of supermarkets
This time last year-ish, in reply to a post bemoaning the lamentable quality of supermarket plums, a friend responded that: Plums are wonderous, when eaten after being picked from the ground beneath the tree on a sweltering day. Having done exactly that on Saturday in the orchard at Norton Priory, I have to say he's only right, godde love 'im.

* An overwhelming desire to e.g. bake bread, macrame some aubergines and knit one's own yoghurt

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