Friday, January 09, 2009

Mile Oak, Mile Oak

I took this photograph by accident. We were on the 1A, going home to Roy's parents' house in Mile Oak after a day shopping in Brighton just after Christmas. I was snapping away on the bus, almost randomly, not bothering to check the exposure or focussing or any of that technical malarky. When I looked at what I'd taken there was, as you might imagine, an awful lot of dross - but there was also this, which I think is pretty groovy.


Rob said...

Mile Oak, Mile Oak, so good they named it twice?

Theology Jen said...

Kind of. There are two buses that go to Mile Oak - the 1, which bears the legend "Mile Oak, Valley Road", and the much-prized (by us at least) 1A, labelled "Mile Oak, Mile Oak", which stops at the bottom of Roy's parent's road, thus saving us a long walk up a steep hill from the Old Village. The sight of a 1A is always greet by me singing "Mile Oak, Mile Oak, it's a wonderful bus". Which may be more information than you ever wanted about the Brighton and Hove bus service.